Starting Out (for real)
Erlang is a relatively small and simple language (in the way C is simpler than C++). There are a few basic data types built in the language, and as such, this chapter will cover most of them. Reading it is strongly advised as it explains the building blocks for all the programs you'll write with Erlang later on.
In the Erlang shell, expressions have to be terminated with a period followed by whitespace (line break, a space etc.), otherwise they won't be executed. You can separate expressions with commas, but only the result of the last one will be shown (the others are still executed). This is certainly unusual syntax for most people and it comes from the days Erlang was implemented directly in Prolog, a logic programming language.
Open the Erlang shell as described in the previous chapters and let's type them things!
1> 2 + 15. 17 2> 49 * 100. 4900 3> 1892 - 1472. 420 4> 5 / 2. 2.5 5> 5 div 2. 2 6> 5 rem 2. 1
You should have noticed Erlang doesn't care if you enter floating point numbers or integers: both types are supported when dealing with arithmetic. Integers and floating values are pretty much the only types of data Erlang's mathematical operators will handle transparently for you. However, if you want to have the integer-to-integer division, use
, and to have the modulo operator, use rem
Note that we can use several operators in a single expression, and mathematical operations obey the normal precedence rules.
7> (50 * 100) - 4999. 1 8> -(50 * 100 - 4999). -1 9> -50 * (100 - 4999). 244950
If you want to express integers in other bases than base 10, just enter the number as Base#Value
(given Base is in the range 2..36):
10> 2#101010. 42 11> 8#0677. 447 12> 16#AE. 174
Awesome! Erlang has the power of the calculator you have on the corner of your desk with a weird syntax on top of it! Absolutely exciting!
Invariable Variables
Doing arithmetic is alright, but you won't go far without being able to store results somewhere. For that, we'll use variables. If you have read the intro to this book, you'll know that variables can't be variable in functional programming. The basic behavior of variables can be demonstrated with these 7 expressions (note that variables begin with an uppercase letter):
1> One. * 1: variable 'One' is unbound 2> One = 1. 1 3> Un = Uno = One = 1. 1 4> Two = One + One. 2 5> Two = 2. 2 6> Two = Two + 1. ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 3 7> two = 2. ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 2
The first thing these commands tell us is that you can assign a value to a variable exactly once; then you can 'pretend' to assign a value to a variable if it's the same value it already has. If it's different, Erlang will complain. It's a correct observation, but the explanation is a bit more complex and depends on the =
operator. The =
operator (not the variables) has the role of comparing values and complaining if they're different. If they're the same, it returns the value:
8> 47 = 45 + 2. 47 9> 47 = 45 + 3. ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 48
What this operator does when mixed with variables is that if the left-hand side term is a variable and it is unbound (has no value associated to it), Erlang will automatically bind the right-hand side value to the variable on the left-hand side. The comparison will consequently succeed and the variable will keep the value in memory.
This behavior of the =
operator is the basis of something called 'Pattern matching', which many functional programming languages have, although Erlang's way of doing things is usually regarded as more flexible and complete than alternatives. We'll see pattern matching with more detail when we visit the tuple and list types in this very chapter, and also with functions in the following chapters.
The other thing the commands 1-7 told us is that variable names must begin with a capital letter. Command 7 failed because the word two had a lowercase letter to begin with. Technically, variables can start with an underscore ('_') too, but by convention their use is restricted to values you do not care about, yet you felt it was necessary to document what it contains.
You can also have variables that are only an underscore:
10> _ = 14+3. 17 11> _. * 1: variable '_' is unbound
Unlike any other kind of variable, it won't ever store any value. Totally useless for now, but you'll know it exists when we need it.
Note: If you're testing in the shell and save the wrong value to a variable, it is possible to 'erase' that variable by using the function f(Variable).
. If you wish to clear all variable names, do f().
These functions are there only to help you when testing and only work in the shell. When writing real programs, we won't be able to destroy values that way. Being able to do it only in the shell makes sense if you acknowledge Erlang being usable in industrial scenarios: it is wholly possible to have a shell being active for years without interruption... Let's bet that the variable X would be used more than once in that time period.
There is a reason why variables names can't begin with a lowercase character: atoms. Atoms are literals, constants with their own name for value. What you see is what you get and don't expect more. The atom cat means "cat" and that's it. You can't play with it, you can't change it, you can't smash it to pieces; it's cat. Deal with it.
While single words starting with a lowercase letter is a way to write an atom, there's more than one manner to do it:
1> atom. atom 2> atoms_rule. atoms_rule 3> atoms_rule@erlang. atoms_rule@erlang 4> 'Atoms can be cheated!'. 'Atoms can be cheated!' 5> atom = 'atom'. atom
An atom should be enclosed in single quotes (') if it does not begin with a lower-case letter or if it contains other characters than alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), or @.
Expression 5 also shows that an atom with single quotes is exactly the same as a similar atom without them.
I compared atoms to constants having their name as their values. You may have worked with code that used constants before: as an example, let's say I have values for eye colors:
BLUE -> 1, BROWN -> 2, GREEN -> 3, OTHER -> 4
. You need to match the name of the constant to some underlying value. Atoms let you forget about the underlying values: my eye colors can simply be 'blue', 'brown', 'green' and 'other'. These colors can be used anywhere in any piece of code: the underlying values will never clash and it is impossible for such a constant to be undefined! If you really want constants with values associated to them, there's a way to do it that we'll see in chapter 4 (Modules).
An atom is therefore mainly useful to express or qualify data coupled with it. Used alone, it's a bit harder to find a good use to it. This is why we won't spend more time toying with them; their best use will come when coupled with other types of data.
Don't drink too much Kool-Aid:
Atoms are really nice and a great way to send messages or represent constants. However there are pitfalls to using atoms for too many things: an atom is referred to in an "atom table" which consumes memory (4 bytes/atom in a 32-bit system, 8 bytes/atom in a 64-bit system). The atom table is not garbage collected, and so atoms will accumulate until the system tips over, either from memory usage or because 1048577 atoms were declared.
This means atoms should not be generated dynamically for whatever reason; if your system has to be reliable and user input lets someone crash it at will by telling it to create atoms, you're in serious trouble. Atoms should be seen as tools for the developer because honestly, it's what they are.
Note: some atoms are reserved words and can not be used except for what the language designers wanted them to be: function names, operators, expressions, etc. These are:
after and andalso band begin bnot bor bsl bsr bxor case catch cond div end fun if let not of or orelse query receive rem try when xor

Boolean Algebra & Comparison operators
One would be in pretty deep trouble if one couldn't tell the difference between what's small and big, what's true and false. As any other language, Erlang has ways to let you use boolean operations and to compare items.
Boolean algebra is dirt simple:
1> true and false. false 2> false or true. true 3> true xor false. true 4> not false. true 5> not (true and true). false
Note: the boolean operators and
and or
will always evaluate arguments on both sides of the operator. If you want to have the short-circuit operators (which will only evaluate the right-side argument if it needs to), use andalso
and orelse
Testing for equality or inequality is also dirt simple, but has slightly different symbols from those you see in many other languages:
6> 5 =:= 5. true 7> 1 =:= 0. false 8> 1 =/= 0. true 9> 5 =:= 5.0. false 10> 5 == 5.0. true 11> 5 /= 5.0. false
First of all, if your usual language uses ==
and !=
to test for and against equality, Erlang uses =:=
and =/=
. The three last expressions (lines 9 to 11) also introduce us to a pitfall: Erlang won't care about floats and integers in arithmetic, but will do so when comparing them. No worry though, because the ==
and /=
operators are there to help you in these cases. This is important to remember whether you want exact equality or not.
Other operators for comparisons are <
(less than), >
(greater than), >=
(greater than or equal to) and =<
(less than or equal to). That last one is backwards (in my opinion) and is the source of many syntax errors in my code. Keep an eye on that =<
12> 1 < 2. true 13> 1 < 1. false 14> 1 >= 1. true 15> 1 =< 1. true
What happens when doing 5 + llama
or 5 == true
? There's no better way to know than trying it and subsequently getting scared by error messages!
12> 5 + llama. ** exception error: bad argument in an arithmetic expression in operator +/2 called as 5 + llama
Welp! Erlang doesn't really like you misusing some of its fundamental types! The emulator returns a nice error message here. It tells us it doesn't like one of the two arguments used around the +
Erlang getting mad at you for wrong types is not always true though:
13> 5 =:= true. false
Why does it refuse different types in some operations but not others? While Erlang doesn't let you add anything with everything, it will let you compare them. This is because the creators of Erlang thought pragmaticism beats theory and decided it would be great to be able to simply write things like general sorting algorithms that could order any term. It's there to make your life simpler and can do so the vast majority of the time.
There is one last thing to keep in mind when doing boolean algebra and comparisons:
14> 0 == false. false 15> 1 < false. true
Chances are you're pulling your hair if you come from procedural languages or most object-oriented languages. Line 14 should evaluate to true and line 15 to false! After all, false means 0 and true is anything else! Except in Erlang. Because I lied to you. Yes, I did that. Shame on me.
Erlang has no such things as boolean true and false. The terms true and false are atoms, but they are integrated well enough into the language you shouldn't have a problem with that as long as you don't expect false and true to mean anything but false and true.
Note: The correct ordering of each element in a comparison is the following:
number < atom < reference < fun < port < pid < tuple < list < bit string
You don't know all these types of things yet, but you will get to know them through the book. Just remember that this is why you can compare anything with anything! To quote Joe Armstrong, one of the creators of Erlang: "The actual order is not important - but that a total ordering is well defined is important."
A tuple is a way to organize data. It's a way to group together many terms when you know how many there are. In Erlang, a tuple is written in the form {Element1, Element2, ..., ElementN}
. As an example, you'd give me the coordinates (x,y) if you wanted to tell me the position of a point in a Cartesian graph. We can represent this point as a tuple of two terms:
1> X = 10, Y = 4. 4 2> Point = {X,Y}. {10,4}
In this case, a point will always be two terms. Instead of carrying the variables X and Y around the place, you only have to carry one instead. However, what can I do if I receive a point and only want the X coordinate? It's not hard to extract that information. Remember that when we assigned values, Erlang would never complain if they were the same. Let's exploit that! You may need to clean the variables we had set with f()
3> Point = {4,5}. {4,5} 4> {X,Y} = Point. {4,5} 5> X. 4 6> {X,_} = Point. {4,5}
From then on we can use X to get the first value of the tuple! How did that happen? First, X and Y had no value and were thus considered unbound variables. When we set them in the tuple {X,Y} on the left-hand side of the
operator, the =
operator compares both values: {X,Y} vs. {4,5}. Erlang is smart enough to unpack the values from the tuple and distribute them to the unbound variables on the left-hand side. Then the comparison is only {4,5} = {4,5}
, which obviously succeeds! That's one of the many forms of pattern matching.
Note that on expression 6, I used the anonymous _ variable. This is exactly how it's meant to be used: to drop the value that would usually be placed there since we won't use it. The _ variable is always seen as unbound and acts as a wildcard for pattern matching. Pattern matching to unpack tuples will only work if the number of elements (the tuple's length) is the same.
7> {_,_} = {4,5}. {4,5} 8> {_,_} = {4,5,6}. ** exception error: no match of right hand side value {4,5,6}
Tuples can also be useful when working with single values. How so? The simplest example is temperature:
9> Temperature = 23.213. 23.213
Well, it sounds like a good day to go to the beach... Wait, is this temperature in Kelvin, Celsius or Fahrenheit?
10> PreciseTemperature = {celsius, 23.213}. {celsius,23.213} 11> {kelvin, T} = PreciseTemperature. ** exception error: no match of right hand side value {celsius,23.213}
This throws an error, but it's exactly what we want! This is, again, pattern matching at work. The =
operator ends up comparing {kelvin, T} and {celsius, 23.213}: even if the variable T is unbound, Erlang won't see the celsius atom as identical to the kelvin atom when comparing them. An exception is thrown which stops the execution of code. By doing so, the part of our program that expects a temperature in Kelvin won't be able to process temperatures sent in Celsius. This makes it easier for the programmer to know what is being sent around and also works as a debugging aid. A tuple which contains an atom with one element following it is called a 'tagged tuple'. Any element of a tuple can be of any type, even another tuple:
12> {point, {X,Y}}. {point,{4,5}}
What if we want to carry around more than one Point though?
Lists are the bread and butter of many functional languages. They're used to solve all kinds of problems and are undoubtedly the most used data structure in Erlang. Lists can contain anything! Numbers, atoms, tuples, other lists; your wildest dreams in a single structure. The basic notation of a list is [Element1, Element2, ..., ElementN]
and you can mix more than one type of data in it:
1> [1, 2, 3, {numbers,[4,5,6]}, 5.34, atom]. [1,2,3,{numbers,[4,5,6]},5.34,atom]
Simple enough, right?
2> [97, 98, 99]. "abc"
Uh oh! This is one of the most disliked things in Erlang: strings! Strings are lists and the notation is absolutely the exact same! Why do people dislike it? Because of this:
3> [97,98,99,4,5,6]. [97,98,99,4,5,6] 4> [233]. "é"
Erlang will print lists of numbers as numbers only when at least one of them could not also represent a letter! There is no such thing as a real string in Erlang! This will no doubt come to haunt you in the future and you'll hate the language for it. Don't despair, because there are other ways to write strings we'll see later in this chapter.
Don't drink too much Kool-Aid:
This is why you may have heard Erlang is said to suck at string manipulation: there is no built-in string type like in most other languages. This is because of Erlang's origins as a language created and used by telecom companies. They never (or rarely) used strings and as such, never felt like adding them officially. However, most of Erlang's lack of sense in string manipulations is getting fixed with time: The VM now natively supports Unicode strings, and overall gets faster on string manipulations all the time.
There is also a way to store strings as a binary data structure, making them really light and faster to work with. All in all, there are still some functions missing from the standard library and while string processing is definitely doable in Erlang, there are somewhat better languages for tasks that need lots of it, like Perl or Python.
To glue lists together, we use the ++
operator. The opposite of ++
is --
and will remove elements from a list:
5> [1,2,3] ++ [4,5]. [1,2,3,4,5] 6> [1,2,3,4,5] -- [1,2,3]. [4,5] 7> [2,4,2] -- [2,4]. [2] 8> [2,4,2] -- [2,4,2]. []
Both ++
and --
are right-associative. This means the elements of many --
or ++
operations will be done from right to left, as in the following examples:
9> [1,2,3] -- [1,2] -- [3]. [3] 10> [1,2,3] -- [1,2] -- [2]. [2,3]
Let's keep going. The first element of a list is named the Head, and the rest of the list is named the Tail. We will use two built-in functions (BIF) to get them.
11> hd([1,2,3,4]). 1 12> tl([1,2,3,4]). [2,3,4]
Note: built-in functions (BIFs) are usually functions that could not be implemented in pure Erlang, and as such are defined in C, or whichever language Erlang happens to be implemented on (it was Prolog in the 80's). There are still some BIFs that could be done in Erlang but were still implemented in C in order to provide more speed to common operations. One example of this is the length(List)
function, which will return the (you've guessed it) length of the list passed in as the argument.
Accessing or adding the head is fast and efficient: virtually all applications where you need to deal with lists will always operate on the head first. As it's used so frequently, there is a nicer way to separate the head from the tail of a list with the help of pattern matching: [Head|Tail]
. Here's how you would add a new head to a list:
13> List = [2,3,4]. [2,3,4] 14> NewList = [1|List]. [1,2,3,4]
When processing lists, as you usually start with the head, you want a quick way to also store the tail to later operate on it. If you remember the way tuples work and how we used pattern matching to unpack the values of a point ({X,Y}), you'll know we can get the first element (the head) sliced off a list in a similar manner.
15> [Head|Tail] = NewList. [1,2,3,4] 16> Head. 1 17> Tail. [2,3,4] 18> [NewHead|NewTail] = Tail. [2,3,4] 19> NewHead. 2
The |
we used is named the cons operator (constructor). In fact, any list can be built with only cons and values:
20> [1 | []]. [1] 21> [2 | [1 | []]]. [2,1] 22> [3 | [2 | [1 | []] ] ]. [3,2,1]
This is to say any list can be built with the following formula: [Term1| [Term2 | [... | [TermN]]]]...
. Lists can thus be defined recursively as a head preceding a tail, which is itself a head followed by more heads. In this sense we could imagine a list being a bit like an earthworm: you can slice it in half and you'll then have two worms.

The ways Erlang lists can be built are sometimes confusing to people who are not used to similar constructors. To help you get familiar with the concept, read all of these examples (hint: they're all equivalent):
[a, b, c, d] [a, b, c, d | []] [a, b | [c, d]] [a, b | [c | [d]]] [a | [b | [c | [d]]]] [a | [b | [c | [d | [] ]]]]
With this understood, you should be able to deal with list comprehensions.
Note: Using the form [1 | 2]
gives what we call an 'improper list'. Improper lists will work when you pattern match in the [Head|Tail]
manner, but will fail to be used with standard functions of Erlang (even length()
). This is because Erlang expects proper lists. Proper lists end with an empty list as their last cell. When declaring an item like [2]
, the list is automatically formed in a proper manner. As such, [1|[2]]
would work! Improper lists, although syntactically valid, are of very limited use outside of user-defined data structures.
List Comprehensions
List comprehensions are ways to build or modify lists. They also make programs short and easy to understand compared to other ways of manipulating lists. It's based off the idea of set notation; if you've ever taken mathematics classes with set theory or if you've ever looked at mathematical notation, you probably know how that works. Set notation basically tells you how to build a set by specifying properties its members must satisfy. List comprehensions may be hard to grasp at first, but they're worth the effort. They make code cleaner and shorter, so don't hesitate to try and type in the examples until you understand them!
An example of set notation would be . That set notation tells you the results you want will be all real numbers who are equal to their own square. The result of that set would be {0,1}. Another set notation example, simpler and abbreviated would be
{x : x > 0}
. Here, what we want is all numbers where x > 0.
List comprehensions in Erlang are about building sets from other sets. Given the set {2n : n in L}
where L is the list [1,2,3,4], the Erlang implementation would be:
1> [2*N || N <- [1,2,3,4]]. [2,4,6,8]
Compare the mathematical notation to the Erlang one and there's not a lot that changes: brackets ({}) become square brackets ([]), the colon (:) becomes two pipes (||) and the word 'in' becomes the arrow (<-). We only change symbols and keep the same logic. In the example above, each value of [1,2,3,4] is sequentially pattern matched to N. The arrow acts exactly like the =
operator, with the exception that it doesn't throw exceptions.
You can also add constraints to a list comprehension by using operations that return boolean values. if we wanted all the even numbers from one to ten, we could write something like:
2> [X || X <- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], X rem 2 =:= 0]. [2,4,6,8,10]
Where X rem 2 =:= 0
checks if a number is even. Practical applications come when we decide we want to apply a function to each element of a list, forcing it to respect constraints, etc. As an example, say we own a restaurant. A customer enters, sees our menu and asks if he could have the prices of all the items costing between $3 and $10 with taxes (say 7%) counted in afterwards.
3> RestaurantMenu = [{steak, 5.99}, {beer, 3.99}, {poutine, 3.50}, {kitten, 20.99}, {water, 0.00}]. [{steak,5.99}, {beer,3.99}, {poutine,3.5}, {kitten,20.99}, {water,0.0}] 4> [{Item, Price*1.07} || {Item, Price} <- RestaurantMenu, Price >= 3, Price =< 10]. [{steak,6.409300000000001},{beer,4.2693},{poutine,3.745}]
Of course, the decimals aren't rounded in a readable manner, but you get the point. The recipe for list comprehensions in Erlang is therefore NewList = [Expression || Pattern <- List, Condition1, Condition2, ... ConditionN]
. The part Pattern <- List
is named a Generator expression. You can have more than one!
5> [X+Y || X <- [1,2], Y <- [2,3]]. [3,4,4,5]
This runs the operations 1+2
, 1+3
, 2+2
, 2+3
. So if you want to make the list comprehension recipe more generic, you get: NewList = [Expression || GeneratorExp1, GeneratorExp2, ..., GeneratorExpN, Condition1, Condition2, ... ConditionM]
. Note that the generator expressions coupled with pattern matching also act as a filter:
6> Weather = [{toronto, rain}, {montreal, storms}, {london, fog}, 6> {paris, sun}, {boston, fog}, {vancouver, snow}]. [{toronto,rain}, {montreal,storms}, {london,fog}, {paris,sun}, {boston,fog}, {vancouver,snow}] 7> FoggyPlaces = [X || {X, fog} <- Weather]. [london,boston]
If an element of the list 'Weather' doesn't match the {X, fog} pattern, it's simply ignored in the list comprehension whereas the =
operator would have thrown an exception.
There is one more basic data type left for us to see for now. It is a surprising feature that makes interpreting binary data easy as pie.

Bit Syntax!
Most languages have support for manipulating data such as numbers, atoms, tuples, lists, records and/or structs, etc. Most of them also only have very raw facilities to manipulate binary data. Erlang goes out of its way to provide useful abstractions when dealing with binary values with pattern matching taken to the next level. It makes dealing with raw binary data fun and easy (no, really), which was necessary for the telecom applications it was created to help with. Bit manipulation has a unique syntax and idioms that may look kind of weird at first, but if you know how bits and bytes generally work, this should make sense to you. You may want to skip the rest of this chapter otherwise.
Bit syntax encloses binary data between << and >>, splits it in readable segments, and each segment is separated by a comma. A segment is a sequence of bits of a binary (not necessarily on a byte boundary, although this is the default behaviour). Say we want to store an orange pixel of true color (24 bits). If you've ever checked colors in Photoshop or in a CSS style sheet for the web, you know the hexadecimal notation has the format #RRGGBB. A tint of orange is #F09A29 in that notation, which could be expanded in Erlang to:
1> Color = 16#F09A29. 15768105 2> Pixel = <<Color:24>>. <<240,154,41>>
This basically says "Put the binary values of #F09A29 on 24 bits of space (Red on 8 bits, Green on 8 bits and Blue also on 8 bits) in the variable Pixel." The value can later be taken to be written to a file. This doesn't look like much, but once written to a file, what you'd get by opening it in a text editor would be a bunch of unreadable characters. When you read back from the file, Erlang would interpret the binary into the nice <<240,151,41>> format again!
What's more interesting is the ability to pattern match with binaries to unpack content:
3> Pixels = <<213,45,132,64,76,32,76,0,0,234,32,15>>. <<213,45,132,64,76,32,76,0,0,234,32,15>> 4> <<Pix1,Pix2,Pix3,Pix4>> = Pixels. ** exception error: no match of right hand side value <<213,45,132,64,76,32,76, 0,0,234,32,15>> 5> <<Pix1:24, Pix2:24, Pix3:24, Pix4:24>> = Pixels. <<213,45,132,64,76,32,76,0,0,234,32,15>>
What we did on command 3 is declare what would be precisely 4 pixels of RGB colors in binary.
On expression 4, we tried to unpack 4 values from the binary content. It throws an exception, because we have more than 4 segments, we in fact have 12! So what we do is tell Erlang that each variable on the left side will hold 24 bits of data. That's what Var:24
means. We can then take the first pixel and unpack it further into single color values:
6> <<R:8, G:8, B:8>> = <<Pix1:24>>. <<213,45,132>> 7> R. 213
"Yeah that's dandy. What if I only wanted the first color from the start though? will I have to unpack all these values all the time?" Hah! Doubt not! Erlang introduces more syntactic sugar and pattern matching to help you around:
8> <<R:8, Rest/binary>> = Pixels. <<213,45,132,64,76,32,76,0,0,234,32,15>> 9> R. 213
Nice, huh? That's because Erlang accepts more than one way to describe a binary segment. Those are all valid:
Value Value:Size Value/TypeSpecifierList Value:Size/TypeSpecifierList
where Size is going to represent bits or bytes (depending on Type and Unit below), and TypeSpecifierList represents one or more of the following:
- Type
- Possible values:
integer | float | binary | bytes | bitstring | bits | utf8 | utf16 | utf32
- This represents the kind of binary data used. Note that 'bytes' is shorthand for 'binary' and 'bits' is shorthand for 'bitstring'. When no type is specified, Erlang assumes an 'integer' type.
- Signedness
- Possible values:
signed | unsigned
- Only matters for matching when the type is integer. The default is 'unsigned'.
- Endianness
- Possible values:
big | little | native
- Endianness only matters when the Type is either integer, utf16, utf32, or float. This has to do with how the system reads binary data. As an example, the BMP image header format holds the size of its file as an integer stored on 4 bytes. For a file that has a size of 72 bytes, a little-endian system would represent this as
and a big-endian one as<<0,0,0,72>>
. One will be read as '72' while the other will be read as '1207959552', so make sure you use the right endianness. There is also the option to use 'native', which will choose at run-time if the CPU uses little-endianness or big-endianness natively. By default, endianness is set to 'big'. - Unit
- written
- This is the size of each segment, in bits. The allowed range is 1..256 and is set by default to 1 for integers, floats and bit strings and to 8 for binary. The utf8, utf16 and utf32 types require no unit to be defined. The multiplication of Size by Unit is equal to the number of bits the segment will take and must be evenly divisible by 8. The unit size is usually used to ensure byte-alignment.
The TypeSpecifierList is built by separating attributes by a '-'.
Some examples may help digest the definitions:
10> <<X1/unsigned>> = <<-44>>. <<"Ô">> 11> X1. 212 12> <<X2/signed>> = <<-44>>. <<"Ô">> 13> X2. -44 14> <<X2/integer-signed-little>> = <<-44>>. <<"Ô">> 15> X2. -44 16> <<N:8/unit:1>> = <<72>>. <<"H">> 17> N. 72 18> <<N/integer>> = <<72>>. <<"H">> 19> <<Y:4/little-unit:8>> = <<72,0,0,0>>. <<72,0,0,0>> 20> Y. 72
You can see there are more than one way to read, store and interpret binary data. This is a bit confusing, but still much simpler than using the usual tools given by most languages.
The standard binary operations (shifting bits to left and right, binary 'and', 'or', 'xor', or 'not') also exist in Erlang. Just use the functions bsl
(Bit Shift Left), bsr
(Bit Shift Right), band
, bor
, bxor
, and bnot
2#00100 = 2#00010 bsl 1. 2#00001 = 2#00010 bsr 1. 2#10101 = 2#10001 bor 2#00101.
With that kind of notation and the bit syntax in general, parsing and pattern matching binary data is a piece of cake. One could parse TCP segments with code like this:
<<SourcePort:16, DestinationPort:16, AckNumber:32, DataOffset:4, _Reserved:4, Flags:8, WindowSize:16, CheckSum: 16, UrgentPointer:16, Payload/binary>> = SomeBinary.
The same logic can then be applied to anything binary: video encoding, images, other protocol implementations, etc.
Don't drink too much Kool-Aid:
Erlang is slow compared to languages like C or C++. Unless you are a patient person, it would be a bad idea to do stuff like converting videos or images with it, even though the binary syntax makes it extremely interesting as I hinted above. Erlang is just not that great at heavy number crunching.
Take note, however, that Erlang is still mighty fast for applications that do not require number crunching: reacting to events, message passing (with the help of atoms being extremely light), etc. It can deal with events in matters of milliseconds and as such is a great candidate for soft-real-time applications.

There's a whole other aspect to binary notation: bit strings. Binary strings are bolted on top of the language the same way they are with lists, but they're much more efficient in terms of space. This is because normal lists are linked lists (1 'node' per letter) while bit strings are more like C arrays. Bit strings use the syntax <<"this is a bit string!">>
. The downside of binary strings compared to lists is a loss in simplicity when it comes to pattern matching and manipulation. Consequently, people tend to use binary strings when storing text that won't be manipulated too much or when space efficiency is a real issue.
Note: Even though bit strings are pretty light, you should avoid using them to tag values. It could be tempting to use string literals to say {<<"temperature">>,50}
, but always use atoms when doing that. Previously in this chapter, atoms were said to be taking only 4 or 8 bytes in space, no matter how long they are. By using them, you'll have basically no overhead when copying data from function to function or sending it to another Erlang node on another server.
Conversely, do not use atoms to replace strings because they are lighter. Strings can be manipulated (splitting, regular expressions, etc) while atoms can only be compared and nothing else.
Binary Comprehensions
Binary comprehensions are to bit syntax what list comprehensions are to lists: a way to make code short and concise. They are relatively new in the Erlang world as they were there in previous revisions of Erlang, but required a module implementing them to use a special compile flag in order to work. Since the R13B revisions (those used here), they've become standard and can be used anywhere, including the shell:
1> [ X || <<X>> <= <<1,2,3,4,5>>, X rem 2 == 0]. [2,4]
The only change in syntax from regular list comprehensions is the <-
which became <=
and using binaries (<<>>) instead of lists ([]). Earlier in this chapter we've seen an example where there was a binary value of many pixels on which we used pattern matching to grab the RGB values of each pixel. It was alright, but on larger structures, it would become possibly harder to read and maintain. The same exercise can be done with a one-line binary comprehension, which is much cleaner:
2> Pixels = <<213,45,132,64,76,32,76,0,0,234,32,15>>. <<213,45,132,64,76,32,76,0,0,234,32,15>> 3> RGB = [ {R,G,B} || <<R:8,G:8,B:8>> <= Pixels ]. [{213,45,132},{64,76,32},{76,0,0},{234,32,15}]
Changing <-
to <=
let us use a binary stream as a generator. The complete binary comprehension basically changed binary data to integers inside tuples. Another binary comprehension syntax exists to let you do the exact opposite:
4> << <<R:8, G:8, B:8>> || {R,G,B} <- RGB >>. <<213,45,132,64,76,32,76,0,0,234,32,15>>
Be careful, as the elements of the resulting binary require a clearly defined size if the generator returned binaries:
5> << <<Bin>> || Bin <- [<<3,7,5,4,7>>] >>. ** exception error: bad argument 6> << <<Bin/binary>> || Bin <- [<<3,7,5,4,7>>] >>. <<3,7,5,4,7>>
It's also possible to have a binary comprehension with a binary generator, given the fixed-size rule above is respected:
7> << <<(X+1)/integer>> || <<X>> <= <<3,7,5,4,7>> >>. <<4,8,6,5,8>>
Note: At the time of this writing, binary comprehensions were seldom used and not documented very well. As such, it was decided not to dig more than what is necessary to identify them and understand their basic working. To understand more bit syntax as a whole, read the white paper defining their specification.