Clients and Servers
Callback to the Future

The first OTP behaviour we'll see is one of the most used ones. Its name is gen_server
and it has an interface a bit similar to the one we've written with my_server
in last chapter; it gives you a few functions to use it and in exchange, your module has to already have a few functions gen_server
will use.
The first one is an init/1
function. It is similar to the one we've used with my_server
in that it is used to initialize the server's state and do all of these one-time tasks that it will depend on. The function can return {ok, State}
, {ok, State, TimeOut}
, {ok, State, hibernate}
, {stop, Reason}
or ignore
The normal {ok, State}
return value doesn't really need explaining past saying that State will be passed directly to the main loop of the process as the state to keep later on. The TimeOut variable is meant to be added to the tuple whenever you need a deadline before which you expect the server to receive a message. If no message is received before the deadline, a special one (the atom timeout
) is sent to the server, which should be handled with handle_info/2
(more on this later.)
On the other hand, if you do expect the process to take a long time before getting a reply and are worried about memory, you can add the hibernate
atom to the tuple. Hibernation basically reduces the size of the process' state until it gets a message, at the cost of some processing power. If you are in doubt about using hibernation, you probably don't need it.
Returning {stop, Reason}
should be done when something went wrong during the initialization.
Note: here's a more technical definition of process hibernation. It's no big deal if some readers do not understand or care about it. When the BIF erlang:hibernate(M,F,A) is called, the call stack for the currently running process is discarded (the function never returns). The garbage collection then kicks in, and what's left is one continuous heap that is shrunken to the size of the data in the process. This basically compacts all the data so the process takes less place.
Once the process receives a message, the function M:F
with A as arguments is called and the execution resumes.
Note: while init/1
is running, execution is blocked in the process that spawned the server. This is because it is waiting for a 'ready' message sent automatically by the gen_server
module to make sure everything went fine.
The function handle_call/3
is used to work with synchronous messages (we'll see how to send them soon). It takes 3 arguments: Request, From, and State. It's pretty similar to how we programmed our own handle_call/3
in my_server
. The biggest difference is how you reply to messages. In our own abstraction of a server, it was necessary to use my_server:reply/2
to talk back to the process. In the case of gen_server
s, there are 8 different return values possible, taking the form of tuples.
Because there are many of them, here's a simple list instead:
{reply,Reply,NewState} {reply,Reply,NewState,Timeout} {reply,Reply,NewState,hibernate} {noreply,NewState} {noreply,NewState,Timeout} {noreply,NewState,hibernate} {stop,Reason,Reply,NewState} {stop,Reason,NewState}
For all of these, Timeout and hibernate
work the same way as for init/1
. Whatever is in Reply will be sent back to whoever called the server in the first place. Notice that there are three possible noreply
options. When you use noreply
, the generic part of the server will assume you're taking care of sending the reply back yourself. This can be done with gen_server:reply/2
, which can be used in the same way as my_server:reply/2
Most of the time, you'll only need the reply
tuples. There are still a few valid reasons to use noreply
: whenever you want another process to send the reply for you or when you want to send an acknowledgement ('hey! I received the message!') but still process it afterwards (without replying this time), etc. If this is what you choose to do, it is absolutely necessary to use gen_server:reply/2
because otherwise the call will time out and cause a crash.
The handle_cast/2
callback works a lot like the one we had in my_server
: it takes the parameters Message and State and is used to handle asynchronous calls. You do whatever you want in there, in a manner quite similar to what's doable with handle_call/3
. On the other hand, only tuples without replies are valid return values:
{noreply,NewState} {noreply,NewState,Timeout} {noreply,NewState,hibernate} {stop,Reason,NewState}
You know how I mentioned our own server didn't really deal with messages that do not fit our interface, right? Well handle_info/2
is the solution. It's very similar to handle_cast/2
and in fact returns the same tuples. The difference is that this callback is only there for messages that were sent directly with the !
operator and special ones like init/1
's timeout
, monitors' notifications and 'EXIT'
The callback terminate/2
is called whenever one of the three handle_Something
functions returns a tuple of the form {stop, Reason, NewState}
or {stop, Reason, Reply, NewState}
. It takes two parameters, Reason and State, corresponding to the same values from the stop
will also be called when its parent (the process that spawned it) dies, if and only if the gen_server
is trapping exits.
Note: if any reason other than normal
, shutdown
or {shutdown, Term}
is used when terminate/2
is called, the OTP framework will see this as a failure and start logging a bunch of stuff here and there for you.
This function is pretty much the direct opposite of init/1
so whatever was done in there should have its opposite in terminate/2
. It's your server's janitor, the function in charge of locking the door after making sure everyone's gone. Of course, the function is helped by the VM itself, which should usually delete all ETS tables, close all ports, etc. for you. Note that the return value of this function doesn't really matter, because the code stops executing after it's been called.
The function code_change/3
is there to let you upgrade code. It takes the form code_change(PreviousVersion, State, Extra)
. Here, the variable PreviousVersion is either the version term itself in the case of an upgrade (read More About Modules again if you forget what this is), or {down, Version}
in the case of a downgrade (just reloading older code). The State variable holds all of the current's server state so you can convert it.
Imagine for a moment that we used an orddict to store all of our data. However, as time goes on, the orddict becomes too slow and we decide to change it for a regular dict. In order to avoid the process crashing on the next function call, the conversion from one data structure to the other can be done in there, safely. All you have to do is return the new state with {ok, NewState}

The Extra variable isn't something we'll worry about for now. It's mostly used in larger OTP deployment, where specific tools exist to upgrade entire releases on a VM. We're not there yet.
So now we've got all the callbacks defined. Don't worry if you're a bit lost: the OTP framework is a bit circular sometimes, where to understand part A of the framework you have to understand part B, but then part B requires to see part A to be useful. The best way to get over that confusion is to actually implement a gen_server.
.BEAM me up, Scotty!
This is going to be the kitty_gen_server
. It's going to be mostly similar to kitty_server2
, with only minimal API changes. First start a new module with the following lines in it:
-module(kitty_gen_server). -behaviour(gen_server).
And try to compile it. You should get something like this:
1> c(kitty_gen_server). ./kitty_gen_server.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server') ./kitty_gen_server.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function handle_call/3 (behaviour 'gen_server') ./kitty_gen_server.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function handle_cast/2 (behaviour 'gen_server') ./kitty_gen_server.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function handle_info/2 (behaviour 'gen_server') ./kitty_gen_server.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function init/1 (behaviour 'gen_server') ./kitty_gen_server.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function terminate/2 (behaviour 'gen_server') {ok,kitty_gen_server}
The compilation worked, but there are warnings about missing callbacks. This is because of the gen_server
behaviour. A behaviour is basically a way for a module to specify functions it expects another module to have. The behaviour is the contract sealing the deal between the well-behaved generic part of the code and the specific, error-prone part of the code (yours).
Note: both 'behavior' and 'behaviour' are accepted by the Erlang compiler.
Defining your own behaviours is really simple. You just need to export a function called behaviour_info/1
implemented as follows:
-module(my_behaviour). -export([behaviour_info/1]). %% init/1, some_fun/0 and other/3 are now expected callbacks behaviour_info(callbacks) -> [{init,1}, {some_fun, 0}, {other, 3}]; behaviour_info(_) -> undefined.
And that's about it for behaviours. You can just use -behaviour(my_behaviour).
in a module implementing them to get compiler warnings if you forgot a function. Anyway, back to our third kitty server.
The first function we had was start_link/0
. This one can be changed to the following:
start_link() -> gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).
The first parameter is the callback module, the second one is the list of parameters to pass to init/1
and the third one is about debugging options that won't be covered right now. You could add a fourth parameter in the first position, which would be the name to register the server with. Note that while the previous version of the function simply returned a pid, this one instead returns {ok, Pid}
Next functions now:
%% Synchronous call order_cat(Pid, Name, Color, Description) -> gen_server:call(Pid, {order, Name, Color, Description}). %% This call is asynchronous return_cat(Pid, Cat = #cat{}) -> gen_server:cast(Pid, {return, Cat}). %% Synchronous call close_shop(Pid) -> gen_server:call(Pid, terminate).
All of these calls are a one-to-one change. Note that a third parameter can be passed to gen_server:call/2-3
to give a timeout. If you don't give a timeout to the function (or the atom infinity
), the default is set to 5 seconds. If no reply is received before time is up, the call crashes.
Now we'll be able to add the gen_server callbacks. The following table shows the relationship we have between calls and callbacks:
gen_server | YourModule |
And then you have the other callbacks, those that are more about special cases:
Let's begin by changing those we already have to fit the model: init/1
, handle_call/3
and handle_cast/2
%%% Server functions init([]) -> {ok, []}. %% no treatment of info here! handle_call({order, Name, Color, Description}, _From, Cats) -> if Cats =:= [] -> {reply, make_cat(Name, Color, Description), Cats}; Cats =/= [] -> {reply, hd(Cats), tl(Cats)} end; handle_call(terminate, _From, Cats) -> {stop, normal, ok, Cats}. handle_cast({return, Cat = #cat{}}, Cats) -> {noreply, [Cat|Cats]}.
Again, very little has changed there. In fact, the code is now shorter, thanks to smarter abstractions. Now we get to the new callbacks. The first one is handle_info/2
. Given this is a toy module and we have no logging system pre-defined, just outputting the unexpected messages will be enough:
handle_info(Msg, Cats) -> io:format("Unexpected message: ~p~n",[Msg]), {noreply, Cats}.
The next one is the terminate/2
callback. It will be very similar to the terminate/1
private function we had:
terminate(normal, Cats) -> [io:format("~p was set free.~n",[]) || C <- Cats], ok.
And then the last callback, code_change/3
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> %% No change planned. The function is there for the behaviour, %% but will not be used. Only a version on the next {ok, State}.
Just remember to keep in the make_cat/3
private function:
%%% Private functions make_cat(Name, Col, Desc) -> #cat{name=Name, color=Col, description=Desc}.
And we can now try the brand new code:
1> c(kitty_gen_server). {ok,kitty_gen_server} 2> rr(kitty_gen_server). [cat] 3> {ok, Pid} = kitty_gen_server:start_link(). {ok,<0.253.0>} 4> Pid ! <<"Test handle_info">>. Unexpected message: <<"Test handle_info">> <<"Test handle_info">> 5> Cat = kitty_gen_server:order_cat(Pid, "Cat Stevens", white, "not actually a cat"). #cat{name = "Cat Stevens",color = white, description = "not actually a cat"} 6> kitty_gen_server:return_cat(Pid, Cat). ok 7> kitty_gen_server:order_cat(Pid, "Kitten Mittens", black, "look at them little paws!"). #cat{name = "Cat Stevens",color = white, description = "not actually a cat"} 8> kitty_gen_server:order_cat(Pid, "Kitten Mittens", black, "look at them little paws!"). #cat{name = "Kitten Mittens",color = black, description = "look at them little paws!"} 9> kitty_gen_server:return_cat(Pid, Cat). ok 10> kitty_gen_server:close_shop(Pid). "Cat Stevens" was set free. ok

Oh and hot damn, it works!
So what can we say about this generic adventure? Probably the same generic stuff as before: separating the generic from the specific is a great idea on every point. Maintenance is simpler, complexity is reduced, the code is safer, easier to test and less prone to bugs. If there are bugs, they are easier to fix. Generic servers are only one of the many available abstractions, but they're certainly one of the most used ones. We'll see more of these abstractions and behaviours in the next chapters.